Route Isabelle
Route Isabelle
01481 723863 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 18:30 | Sat 08:00 - 17:30 | Sunday by appointment
01481 241056 Mon - Fri 08:30 - 18:00 | Sat 08:30 - 12:30 | Sunday by appointment
01481 723863
Route Isabelle
Route Isabelle
01481 723863 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 18:30 | Sat 08:00 - 17:30 | Sunday by appointment
01481 241056 Mon - Fri 08:30 - 18:00 | Sat 08:30 - 12:30 | Sunday by appointment
01481 723863



Spring equine newsletter

Read about: Our quarterly update Ready… set Vaccinate Spring Grazing guide And more! Download our news letter here – Isabelle Vets Equine Spring Equine newsletter 2025
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New online repeat prescription service

In order to allow clients the convenience of 24-hour online support, Isabelle Vets are pleased to announce its online repeat prescription request service for pets registered with and previously seen by the Isabelle Vets veterinary team. It is hoped that this makes it easier for clients to request repeat prescriptions, rather than being limited to...
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Veterinary Surgeon Advert

Animal Health Certificate – Travelling to Europe post Brexit

  IMPORTANT UPDATE – The new Animal Health Certificate Since the advent of Brexit, the old Pet Passport Scheme, which was designed for travelling with your pets to Europe, from the Channel Islands and the UK, no longer exists. The Animal Health Certificate is now required if you wish to travel with your pet in...
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Animal Health Certificate

Winter Fitness Hydrotherapy for Dogs

During the winter months, the drop in temperature can cause serious inflammatory flare-ups in arthritic joints causing more pain and stiffness. Hydrotherapy is a great way of helping dogs with chronic conditions such as arthritis over the winter months.  It can help build and maintain muscle mass and improve the range of motion of joints...
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Hydrotherapy Team

How does Brexit impact your pet?

There are new rules for taking pets to the EU after Brexit. To take your pet to the EU after Brexit you need to start preparing four months before you travel by visiting your vet for advice. Complete the following steps: Get your pet microchipped. Ensure your pet’s rabies vaccination is up to date. Return...
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Pet Owners - Travelling after Brexit

Equine Newsletter

  Welcome to the Isabelle Vets Equine Newsletter. This latest newsletter will cover: Practice News What’s new in the equine world? What’s new in equine research? Introducing a new range of supplements New X-Ray Machine Introduction to Mairi Bruce, our new vet. Our Rossdales Equine Hospital training visit Top six Tips for Autumn Ragwort Poisoning  ...
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Equine Newsletter November 2018

It’s Hay Fever Season

  Yes, pets do get hay fever and it is much the same as with ourselves. We are surprised that we don’t get more cases, especially when one realises that their noses and eyes are often in the grass. The symptoms areas for ourselves; runny, sore eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing, lethargy and just feeling under...
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Pet Hay Fever

Equine Newsletter

Welcome to the Isabelle Vets Equine Newsletter. This latest newsletter will cover: The launch of our new Equine Health Club An introduction to our equine support team The equine ambulatory support facilities and services Isabelle Vets offer Diary date for horse owners   Download the Equine Newsletter here    
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The ‘Big Flea Project’: It’s Flea season Again

  The Big Flea Project – The truth is that fleas are a year-round problem in Guernsey but undoubtedly the warmer months speed the flea’s life cycle and there is more activity and socialisation with our pets, especially the cats. MSD pharmaceuticals who manufactures one of the best flea killing products on the market (speak...
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Big Flea Project
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